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Matt Discovers Kodacolor

In his 22nd year, Matt finally picked up a camera, aimed, and clicked. Now we can see life through his eyes.

On the Syrian Border

Matt and his crew are poster boys for life in the Army—whether patrolling the Iraqi/Syrian border in their Stryker vehicle or hangin' out in their spare time near Fort Lewis. Matt finally shared some photos of his unit when they were watching the border in Iraq.

Matt, middle, strikes a pose at sunset

Matt, fourth from the right, stands beside a Stryker outfitted with cage siding to intercept RPGs

Hangin' Out With Friends
When he's not at work,
Matt can be an angel

Matt likes to hang out at local lakes
Down Time Calls For Some...
Barbeque Chillin'

Matt and Buds, below ...     and Mel and Matt, right, hang out on the deck

Matt "pimps his ride" Army style while playing a drug runner during exercises on post
He's always willing to lend a hand
to a friend in need while on the road

Lazin' with Mel

On their road trip to Arizona, Mel decided to jiggle a fire alarm switch in San Francisco—who woulda thought the trucks would come racing down the street, lights flashing and sirens screaming? Oops! We're outta here.

Home on the Range

Matt loves the mountains that surround his home town, and he introduced Mel to them and to some of the more scenic waterfalls, outcroppings, cliffs, and crevices.

Matt's on top of the world when he scales Carr or Miller Peak, which at around 9,500 feet look out over the San Pedro valley and the town of Sierra Vista
M&M Adventures found wind-blown aeries with breathtaking views and secluded rock fissures that spiral hundres of feet down to the desert floor
Climbing up or shimmying down can be an adventure
And M&M explored a cave in the Huachuca's where they spent an afternoon crawling around its pitch black rooms, tunnels, and ledges with flashlights. Their filthy clothes and bruised legs and arms stood testiment to a day well spent
Here Anna stands as a rose between two thorns, Matt and Mike

The fearless foursome, Mel and Matt, Anna and Mike, walk the mean streets of Tombstone, as menacing as any gunslingers and as fetching as any molls who filled the bars and shops of this old ghosttown. Matt traded his six-shooter for a camera to take this shot.
After a hard days's sightseeing and drinking, its time to light up a ci-gar and blow off a little steam. Just watch your toes so the tarantulas don't tickle them!

Anna, Mel, Mike, Cherie, Denise and Matt light up the night

Spring Break — in Ohio?

Yep, Florida has its allure, but Ohio is where the cool people hang over Easter vacation. Matt's friend Josh and his family were kind enough to share their holidays with Matt. And Matt had a great time with this new family and circle of friends.

Sometimes it's best to roll all the holidays into one—like Easter, St. Patty's Day, and Halloween

Similarly, it's better to be an angel most of the time; then indulge all your vices at once every now and then.

Thumbs down on Easter eggs You want me to do what?

Thumbs up on manly kinds of sports

Welcome to the Family

Matt loved every minute of his time in Ohio, despite this "Who are these people?" look as he poses with Josh and Josh's sister

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