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Useful Links

We found some of the these links are extremely useful or may just be of general interest. For me, the most useful link to the Internet is the Google search engine. I've made it my home page at work because it is a great way to find whatever you need quickly and easily. Other indispensable tools include the Mapquest site, which guides us to any place in the U.S.; the Switchboard phone directory, which allows us to find most anything we need; and the CNN site, which keeps us up to date on late breaking news.

If you have indispensable sites, we'd be glad to add them to this page. Drop us an email, please.

Google: the best search engine on the Internet
Mapquest: where to find it in the U.S. and how to get there
Switchboard: on-line white and yellow pages; reverse phone directory lookup
CNN: what's going on
Uclick: offers crossword puzzles for rainy days. Once you get there, go to the bottom of the page and click on to work one with paper and pencil.
The Internet Movie Database: For the movie lovers amongst us

U.S. Army: On point for the nation
Federation of American Scientists: Everything military (surprisingly good compendium of military information)

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