Ally's First Birthday
Our granddaughter is one-year-old already. Mike and Anna threw a birthday party for her at their house on May 9th, and relatives from as far away as Washington, Michigan, and Ohio flew in for the occasion.

Anna made a castle cake for Ally's first birthday, no doubt because Ally is her little princess. Frogs were strictly off limits around the house ... there will be time for that later. Today was all about fairy tales, gossamer dreams, pink lace, and other princess-ly accoutrements.

Anna and her sister Noelle sang Ally a traditional family birthday song. Ally was all ears.

Not sure whether to grab the candle or eat it, Ally was encouraged to blow it out and make a wish.

"I wish ... for a prince!"

After Anna took the top layer off the cake and placed it on Ally's tray it was time for Ally to get her fingers gooey and shove it in her mouth. Ally takes after her grandparents...there wasn't as much as a crumb left by the time she was done.

Oh boy, this is a lot like s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g!
Ally was almost lost in the pile of presents and needed her Daddy's help to unwrap the bounty of gifts

"This is fun!"

"Oh, thank you, fairy godmother!"

Family and Friends Pose with the Birthday Girl
Alas, the sugar high and the excitement of opening and playing with her gifts was starting to tell on Ally.
Grandfather Larry and wife Rose came all the way from Washington to see Ally on her first birthday.

A three-generation photo of Ally, her mother Anna, and Anna's father Larry on Ally's first birthday

Cherie, aka Noni, holds her granddaughter.

I, too, get the priviledge to snuggle with Ally on her birthday

Friends Paul and Darla

Mike's friend Shawn and Amanda drove down from Phoenix. Shawn played roller hockey goalie when the kids were in high school. He holds Ally like a hockey trophy. Score!